====== Tâi-uân lô-má-jī orthography ====== In this article, we describe the orthography of "Tâi-uân lô-má-jī". Three variants will be included. - TL(o͘/ⁿ) variant. - TL(oo/nn) variant. - POJ (with Tiuⁿ,Jū-hông's extension). ===== Alphabet ===== ==== TL(o͘/ⁿ) ==== | ^Majuscule forms (also called uppercase or capital letters)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |o͘/ⁿ|A|Aᴺ\\ Aⁿ|B|E|Eᴺ\\ Eⁿ|G|H|I|Iᴺ\\ Iⁿ|J|K|KH\\ Kh|L|M|N|NG\\ Ng|O|O͘|Oᴺ\\ Oⁿ|P|PH\\ Ph|S|T|TH\\ Th|TS\\ Ts|TSH\\ Tsh|U|Uᴺ\\ Uⁿ| ER\\ Er | IR\\ Ir | EE\\ Ee | |oo/nn|A|ANN\\ Ann|B|E|ENN\\ Enn|G|H|I|INN\\ Inn|J|K|KH\\ Kh|L|M|N|NG\\ Ng|O|OO|ONN\\ Onn|P|PH/Ph|S|T|TH\\ Th|TS\\ Ts|TSH\\ Tsh|U|UNN\\ Unn| | ^Minuscule forms (also called lowercase or small letters)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |o͘/ⁿ|a|aⁿ|b|e|eⁿ|g|h|i|iⁿ|j|k|kh|l|m|n|ng|o|o͘|oⁿ|p|ph|s|t|th|ts|tsh|u|uⁿ| er | ir |ee | |oo/nn|a|ann|b|e|enn|g|h|i|inn|j|k|kh|l|m|n|ng|o|oo|onn|p|ph|s|t|th|ts|tsh|u|unn| ^index^1^2^3^4^5^6^7^8^9^10^11^12^13^14^15^16^17^18^19^20^21^22^23^24^25^26^27^28^29^30^31^32^ ==== POJ ==== ^Majuscule forms (also called uppercase or capital letters)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |A|B|CH/Ch |CHH/Chh|E|G|H|I|J|K|KH/Kh|L|M|N|ᴺ|NG/Ng|O|O͘|P|PH/Ph|S|T|TH/Th|U|-| ^Minuscule forms (also called lowercase or small letters)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |a|b|ch|chh|e|g|h|i|j|k|kh|l|m|n|ⁿ|ng|o|o͘|p|ph|s|t|th|u|-| |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31|32| **Note:** Hyphen is included as one of the alphabet. Multigraphs are treated as sequences with regard to the rules of capitalization: * ALL CAPS: TSHU. * First word of a sentence: Tshu. :er發音為[ǝ] ir發音為[ɨ] ee發音為[ԑ] ere ===== Diacritics ===== Taiwanese makes use of five diacritics: the acute accent, grave, circumflex accent, macron, vertical line above. | ^Majuscule forms (also called uppercase or capital letters)^^^^^^^^Minuscule forms (also called lowercase or small letters)^^^^^^^^ | |A|E|I|O|O͘|U|M|NG|a|e|i|o|o͘|u|m|ng| | acute |Á|É|Í|Ó|Ó͘|Ú|Ḿ|ŃG|á|é|í|ó|ó͘|ú|ḿ|ńg| | grave |À|È|Ì|Ò|Ò͘|Ù|M̀|ǸG|á|é|í|ó|ó͘|ú|ḿ|ńg| | circumflex |Â|Ê|Î|Ô|Ô͘|Û|M̂|N̂G|â|ê|î|ô|ô͘|û|m̂|n̂g| | caron |Ǎ|Ě|Ǐ|Ǒ|Ǒ͘|Ǔ|M̌|ŇG|ǎ|ě|ǐ|ǒ|ǒ͘|ǔ|m̌|ňg| | macron |Ā|Ē|Ī|Ō|Ō͘|Ū|M̄|N̄G|ā|ē|ī|ō|ō͘|ū|m̄|n̄g| | vertical line above |A̍|E̍|I̍|O̍|O̍͘|U̍|M̍|N̍G|a̍|e̍|i̍|o̍|o̍͘|u̍|m̍|n̍g| | double accute |A̋|E̋|I̋|Ő|Ő͘|I̋|M̋|N̋G|a̋|e̋|i̋|ő|ő͘|ű|m̋|n̋g| They are used to denote the tone as follows: ^ 陰 ^^^^ 陽 ^^^^ ^ 平 ^ 上 ^ 去 ^ 入,入 ^ 平 ^ 上 ^ 去 ^ 入,入 ^ ^ 1 ^ 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 ^ 5 ^ 6 ^ 7 ^ 8 ^ 9 ^ | | acute | grave | | circumflex | caron | macron | vertical line above | double accute | | | ˊ | ˋ | ˇ | ˆ | | ˉ | ˈ | ˶ | * 促聲[tshik-siann] (-h) * 入聲[ji̍p-siann] (-p,-t,-k) ===== Consonants ===== ^ blah | p | ph | b | m | t | th | n | l | k | kh | g | ng |h | ts | tsh | s | j | ^ Word-Initial (IPA) | [p] | [pʰ] | [b] | [m] | [t] | [tʰ] | [n] | [l] | [k] | [kʰ] | [g] | [ŋ] | [h] | [ʨ] | [ʦ] | [s] | [ʣ] | ===== Links ===== * [[https://tailo.moe.edu.tw]] * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pe̍h-ōe-jī]] * [[https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/臺灣閩南語羅馬字拼音方案]] * [[https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/白話字]] * [[https://vietnamesetypography.com/second-edition/]] * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnamese_alphabet]] * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_orthography]] * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_orthography]] * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_orthography]] * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slovak_orthography]]